Affinity Insight
This week is a transition week of sorts for me. When COVID-19 hit the United States hard, Affinity Insight offered a free 60-day plus membership. That offer is still good, for a limited time, if you're interested. The free trial brought in a lot of new members who missed out on our power hours earlier in the year. To bring them up-to-speed, I did an encore performance of every single webinar from January, February, and March. This week is my last repeat webinar. While it's been great getting to know all of our new members, hosting three webinars a week has been a whirlwind. After this, we're back to our regular schedule of at least two power hours a month (sometimes once every week).
If you're interested in remote training at a great price, check out Affinity Insight while the free trial is still going on.
Other Webinars
While Affinity Insight is winding back down into its normal schedule, other webinars are ramping up. This week, I have a webinar on Communication Breakdown for the Illinois State Bar Association and a Word Power Hour for the Association of Legal Administrators. If you are a member of either, join me for an impactful hour.